Do ‘Ethereum killers’ have a future? Here’s what the crypto community says
1 min readRepeated outages of one of the most popular blockchains believed to have the potential to dethrone the Ethereum network sparked a conversation among community members about the future of those carrying the burden of being called an “Ethereum killer.”
A member of a cryptocurrency forum on Reddit
While many of the arguments are pro-Ethereum, some still believe that things can still go south for the network. A community member said that the idea that ETH “will never fail is ridiculous.” The Reddit user argued that ETH’s adoption doesn’t mean that it’s a done deal, as many argued that the space is still in its early stages. They added:
“We are either early and it’s way too premature to call absolute certainties or it’s done and we are no longer early.”
As others contributed serious arguments to the discussion, some joined in to add a touch of humor to the somehow heated online debate. One community member posted, “Ethereum is the true Ethereum killer killer,” while another said, “What doesn’t kill ETH makes ETH stronger.”
The discussion came a few days after Solana, one of the most recognized Ethereum killer blockchains, suffered another issue on its network. On Feb. 25, Solana faced a slowdown in block production, leading to a network restart. The incident led to various disruptions in user transactions. The issue also sparked outrage on Twitter, with some mocking the network and calling it a “transaction killer.”