September 20, 2024

Rise To Thrive

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PepeCoin (PEPE) vs. Dogecoin (DOGE): Is a flippening on the horizon?

2 min read
PepeCoin (PEPE) vs. Dogecoin (DOGE): Is a flippening on the horizon?

A few months ago Pepecoin came and went, bringing quick, unimaginable riches to early investors and turning late comers into reluctant bag holders.

While the chart resembles the standard crypto pump-and-dump scheme, PEPE’s price action this week suggests that the frog-themed token could be the newest contender to Dogecoin (

However, the volume of “PepeCoin” searches on Google have subsided since then, with “Dogecoin” maintaining a seven to eight times higher average than Doge.

PepeCoin also enjoys certain advantages such as it resides natively on Ethereum, which can see future integrations with Ethereum’s decentralized Finance (DeFi) and NFT ecosystem.

Moreover, it has a fixed supply of 420.69 trillion versus Dogecoin which uses Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus mechanism which has a fixed yearly issuance of 5 billion coins

However, based on its market capitalization and popularity on Google, PepeCoin still has a long way to go before it becomes a mainstream memecoin like Dogecoin.

On top of that, Dogecoin enjoys first-mover advantage and network effort dominance of over eight years, while PepeCoin is only a couple of months old.